In any case, at some point Beth and John wandered to the IELLO booth and shot an overview of World of Yo-Ho, being co-published by Volumique in 2015.
• Belgian publisher MushrooM Games released Pierre-Emmanuel Legrain's Time Masters in French in May 2014, and for Spiel 2014 it decided to publish a 400-copy English edition in order to test the game's reception with that market. Here's an overview of the game:
• German publisher HUCH! & friends seems to publish one sharp-looking abstract strategy game every six months, and for Spiel 2014 that slot on its publishing schedule fell to Emiliano Venturini's Carnac (with one sequel also being released, as explained below).
• As a traditional German publisher with a decade's experience in the business, HUCH! & friends has not published a zombie game to date, as far as I know, but that situation changed at Spiel 2014 with the release of Pints of Blood from the pseudonymous design duo Kinjiro, with more than one person describing this design as a board game version of the film Shaun of the Dead.
• I reviewed Peter Burley's abstract strategy game Kamisado in October 2008 on Boardgame News, the site I ran before coming to BGG, and here's part of what I said in that review:
You can almost feel yourself getting better at the game the more that you play. Once you've played the game a few times, you can start to spot dangerous situations and potential traps, whether or not the opponent is aware of them. Multiple times I recognized at the end of a move that I had given my opponent the opportunity to win a few turns later; sometimes he picked up on those opportunities and other times the game continued without him realizing that he had missed out. I didn't draw his attention to those situations, but I did learn to avoid putting myself into them in future games. At last I think I did – only more games would prove the point.
Ah, well, I'll be back in Germany in January 2015...
• For this post's final video, we'll talk about Friedemann Friese's Terra from HUCH!, with this design being a sequel of sorts to his Fauna, which debuted in 2008. Right now Terra is available only in German, but Fauna bloomed in other languages in subsequent years, so perhaps Terra will follow the same route.