The title likely to be of most interest from TMG — and the one most to suffer from the shortened demonstration time that comes from running through eleven games in one hour — is Stefan Feld's AquaSphere, so for a detailed overview of the gameplay, I'll point to my write-up of the game following a playtest session at Origins 2014.
• Ed Marriott's Scoville was on the TMG demo table at BGG.CON 2013, and an advance production copy featuring the multi-level peppers in all their colorful glory was likewise on the TMG demo table during Gen Con 2014.
• Dungeon Roll: Winter Heroes Pack adds sixteen new items — twelve treasures and four heroes — to Chris Darden's dice game success Dungeon Roll.
• An advance production copy of Michael R. Keller's Captains of Industry showed up just prior to Gen Con 2014, so TMG developer Seth Jaffee got to show it off.
• Bomb Squad co-designers Dan Keltner and David Short squeezed into the BGG booth with Jaffee to talk about their real-time co-op game of hostage-rescuing and bomb-defusing. Think timed Hanabi with a smidge of RoboRally, and you're most of the way toward an understanding of the game.