Today's lot starts with a biggie: Anton Torres from Fantasy Flight Games on Star Wars: Imperial Assault, which was announced at the con and playable there at a few demo tables that you could barely see from all the people around them. Thankfully we had an uninterrupted view in the BGG booth:
• We'll transition from a FFG title to a title that itself transitioned from FFG, a title that current publisher 1A Games is re-introducing as Tide of Iron: Next Wave:
• And staying with 1A Games, we have a title approximately 180º in spirit from Tide of Iron, the rabbit-racing game Cross Hares: Testing Ground:
• Gothic Doctor from Levandowski and McNeill and Meltdown Games is one of many titles recently published through AdMagic, which appears to be both publisher and manufacturer for a number of newcomer designers.
• We'll wrap with a nifty line of gaming accessories — Collapsible Construction — that happened to be in a booth adjacent to ours. I don't know for sure since I was rarely in the booth, but I'm guessing we called them over when someone else didn't show in order to fill the blank time. Such is the way of conventions and live demonstrations...