Skip ahead to Gen Con 2014, and Chance has now joined Nick Little to release their own superhero-based game through Action Phase Games: Heroes Wanted. I saw a number of con attendees in costume posing in the APG booth at Gen Con 2014, and in this video the designers talk about their game:
• Designers Kevin G. Nunn and Christopher Badell also showed up at the BGG booth during the con to talk about their superhero-based game, Sentinel Tactics: The Flame of Freedom, co-designer with Luther Bell Hendricks V and published by Greater Than Games.
• Designers Michel Grenier and Matthieu Regney tried and failed to Kickstart Zombies 101, an "I just have to outrun you" game set in a high school being assaulted by zombies, but publisher Curt Covert of Smirk & Dagger Games loved what he saw in the design and decided to publish it himself under the name Student Bodies, with the final publication debuting at Gen Con 2014.
• For the most part at Gen Con 2014 we featured games that were available at the con or due out in the next couple of months, but we also looked at few designs not due for release until the far-off future of 2015, including Shawn Storie's Quintessential: The Fifth Element from Gamer Nation Studios:
• GNS also presented EONS: Cosmic Expansions, a set of three expansions for its universal architect game EONS: