In the BGG booth, Jordan Weisman — founder of Harebrained Schemes and executive producer/co-designer of Golem Arcana — gave an overview of the digital system as well as the gameplay:
• Another highly anticipated release — well, advance release — was Panamax from designers Gil d'Orey, Nuno Bizarro Sentieiro and Paulo Soledade, with U.S. publisher Stronghold Games airshipping 120 copies in time for Gen Con 2014 ahead of the game's release in the U.S. in September. The only copy remaining in the Stronghold booth at the time of this demo in the BGG booth was being used, so Stronghold's Stephen Buonocore mimed the game's action for a few minutes:
• Another sell-out for Stronghold Games at Gen Con 2014 was Vangelis Bagiartakis' Among the Stars, which Stronghold is bringing to North America following two years of European circulation of the title through Artipia Games. (Artipia, by the way, plans to have a space at Gen Con 2015.) Buonocore mimes once again due to his last copy of the game having been borrowed by Konstantinos from Artipia. Such is convention life...
• Space Cadets: Dice Duel – Die Fighter co-designer Geoff Engelstein explains the multiple parts of this modular expansion for Space Cadets: Dice Duel:
• A third sell-out for Stronghold Games at Gen Con 2014 was Mike Fitzgerald's Diamonds, a trick-taking card game that's more about the special actions enabled by the cards than about the tricks themselves. Well, sort of...