I recorded Cathala in April 2014 talking about the game after playing the prototype at a convention, and now with some copies of the published game in some hands ahead of its general release in September 2014, DoW's Adrien Martinot was in the BGG booth to talk about the finished work:
• Games released at conventions in limited quantities sometimes take longer than you might expect to turn up at retail outlets, as with Jürgen Mayer's Shinobi Clans from Posthuman Studios, which debuted at Gen Con 2013 with fifty copies, but didn't appear anywhere else until a repeat appearance at Gen Con 2014, where it sold out (a larger quantity) once again. This is another September 2014 according to the latest information I've seen from the publisher.
• The bluffing game Sheriff of Nottingham from designers Halaban, Pope and Zatz and publisher Arcane Wonders was another early release at Gen Con 2014, with this revamped version of the designers' Hart an der Grenze and Robin Hood due out in late October 2014. Sheriff of Nottingham is the first title in Arcane Wonders' Dice Tower Essentials line, so Mr. Dice Tower Tom Vasel showed up to present the game in the BGG booth:
• The Amberden Affair from Two Penny Games was one of several successfully Kickstarted games being demoed at Gen Con 2014, and co-designer Kelsey Domeny showed off this game about player servants trying to detect ill-doings among one of their own:
• Closing out this handful of videos is Blue Orange Games with Doodle Quest from designers Laurent Escoffier and David Franck, and I'll testify that the suggested age of six and up rings true as my 5.5 y.o. has asked to play a couple of times, and while he can't compete like the adults, he does do a fair job of it, scoring some points in the process. At some point I need to sit a few other youngsters at the table against him to make it a fair battle...