That's not so much the case here as it really would have been great to run this on September 8, 2014, the street date for Doomtown: Reloaded from designers Dave Williams and Mark Wootton and publisher Alderac Entertainment Group. Ah, well. You can't win 'em all...
• Following the rabid success of Love Letter, AEG has added many small, quick-playing card games to its line-up, with one surprise entry being David Short's Cypher, which showed up at Gen Con 2014 somewhat unexpectedly. I try to stay on top of everything in the convention previews, but sometimes you just can't know.
• And speaking of Love Letter, AEG has released the first title in a sequel of sorts to that game: Lost Legacy: The Starship, which was co-designed by Seiji Kanai and Hayato Kisaragi. More titles will appear in the Lost Legacy line from AEG, and the original Japanese releases of Lost Legacy now number three boxed sets, each with two games, as well as bonus LL games on uncut sheets sold only at conventions.
• In a preview of a Spiel 2014 release, designer Charles Chevallier showed off Wakanda from Blue Orange Games. Very sneaky, Charles!
• Another title that sneaked into the BGG booth at Gen Con 2014 despite copies not being available anywhere was The Walled City: Londonderry & Borderlands from designers Daryl Andrews and Stephen Sauer and publisher Mercury Games. Leaky borders on our part, I suppose, but this video now serves as a preview for you: