• Convention sell-outs come both large and small, noisy and not-so-noisy, with an example of the latter being Mars Attacks: The Dice Game, a quick-playing design from Sam Mitschke and Steve Jackson Games' Phil Reed that like so many other titles arrived in advance at Gen Con 2014 only to vanish into the hands of curious gamers.
• Knightmare Chess is an ooooold title relative to most everything else that I post about on BGG News, but after being out of print for many years, Steve Jackson Games has produced a new edition of this design from Pierre Cléquin and Bruno Faidutti on its twentieth anniversary. Yes, twenty years!
• What's even older than Knightmare Chess but also returning to print? Steve Jackson's Car Wars, out in a sixth edition for 2014 ahead of a promised large revamping of the Car Wars world that emerged during SJG's monstrous Ogre Kickstarter project.
• While Munchkin Panic is not actually a Steve Jackson Games release, you could be forgiven for thinking it were, given the large Munchkin head on the cover and, well, the Munchkin name. No, this game is a blending of Munchkin-style gameplay with Fireside Games' Castle Panic, as designer Ane-Marie De Witt explains in this presentation: