Ares Games has signed on to distribute the English-language retail release of this title, which is due to reach backers in December 2021. Here's a short take on the game:
In addition to these elements, players also have to manage Outpost 31. On the map are the same rooms as seen in the film, and each of these rooms allows players to perform a different action. Human players have to feed themselves and keep the boiler and the generator on to avoid being in the cold and dark. The Thing will try to sabotage these places to make life difficult for humans...or not, trying to camouflage itself among the humans and infect them when the perfect opportunity presents itself.
• German publisher NSV has announced two new releases for October 2020, with one of them being yet another expansion for Steffen Benndorf's Qwixx. I'm somewhat amazed that more expansions are even possible given how simple the game is and what's been done to date, but perhaps this is just another indication of how much is possible within the world of game design and within the world itself. Think of all that exists based on the combinations of 118 elements! Amazing!
In any case, here's an overview of Qwixx: Bonus, co-designed with NSV's Reinhard Staupe:
On the other scorepad, ten spaces among the colored rows are marked with bonus boxes, with two each of five bonuses. When you mark off the second box of a particular bonus, you receive a special reward, such as crossing off the next two spaces of your row with the fewest marks, crossing off the next space of each active color, or doubling the score of your least valuable row at the end of the game.
Spukstaben is a co-operative word game for 1-4 players, and due to the use of letter cards, the game contains only German rules for now, although I can imagine an English version (and versions in other languages) being possible down the road. Here's how the game works:
The game is played over ten rounds during which new Spukstaben appear with stolen type blocks, then move towards the exit of the printshop — although some ghosts will jump towards the door immediately. Whenever a Spukstabe enters the game, its level of spook-energy is set with a ghost stone based on the number of players.
During each round, the players have one minute to separately come up with one word each that contains as many of the stolen letters as possible. These letters then hit the ghosts and reduce their spook-energy by one. However, each letter of a word can hit only one ghost and each word can hit a ghost only once, so the players have to work together to defeat the Spukstaben.
During the one-minute round, you can give one clue to other players as to what you might be writing, such as saying "All the letters are in the table column", as duplicate words will attack ghosts only once, so you wish to be unique. Additionally, players must use the most simple form of a word, so they can't chain words together as "Siebentausendzweihundertvierundfünfzig" in order to smash all the ghosts on the board. Finally, you have only ten ghost stones with which to mark the level of ghosts, so if a ghost would enter and you can't mark, that ghost escapes immediately!
• In a newsletter detailing the production status of its late 2020 releases and reprints of existing games, U.S. publisher Capstone Games included this teaser in a "new games on the horizon" section:
—Travel the road with Uwe Rosenberg
—A 2-player card-driven expandable game system
—Iron Rail #3: Iberian Gauge
—A new take on the train game genre
and so much more!