Here's an overview of this game, the gameplay of which is clear from the description, although I imagine a video demonstration would be far more entertaining:
In more detail, one player is the clue giver, while all others are the guessers. Randomly draw nine picture cards from the deck and place them face up. One of these cards is the "trap" picture, and only the clue giver knows which one.
On a turn, the clue giver plays a sound from their mobile phone or the dedicated website, letting everyone else hear it, then states whether the sound is MORE or LESS related to the trap picture, possibly using a hint tile while doing so. The guessers consult with one another, then flip over a picture card. If the flipped picture was not the trap, the game continues with a new sound for the next turn. Clear all eight pictures and avid the trap to win!
In Platypus, players co-operate to gradually eliminate bad words in order to find and identify the "platypus" through their adjective cards. To set up, eight common words or proper names — the "platypus" cards — are placed face up in front of all the players. The guides know the card that the explorers must guess, and to help the explorers, they give clues in the form of adjective cards that best define the platypus for them. Each guide has a hand of four clue cards, and after each new clue, the explorers must eliminate one or two cards that they think don't match what's being defined by the clues. If the explorers eliminate the platypus, then everyone loses; if they succeed four times, however, then the platypus will stand alone and everyone wins.
And since I'm sharing videos already, I will insert the world's all-time best platypus-related video here:
• Another title due out from Matagot in Q3 2021 is Tiny Acrobats, a sequel of sorts to Cédric Millet's Meeple Circus, although the differences in this 2-5 player game are immediately clear from this description:
In Tiny Acrobats, which combines the excitement and thrills of Meeple Circus with new rules and streamlined scoring, you have three rounds to create your show and perform numbers that will meet the public demands, which change at the end of each round.
During each round, you select the meeples that you want to add to your troop, then assemble them on stage. Players have a limited time to achieve their prowess simultaneously. Practicing your dexterity, use your meeples to collect applause and earn points. You have to reproduce the figures requested by the public, stage the special arrangements of your guest stars, and raise your troop high in the air because it will bring as much applause as its height. The player with the most applause after three rounds wins.