Why repost tweets instead of uploading images and writing things out anew? Well, I will in time, but I have only two days before heading to Cannes, France to record game preview videos at the Festival International des Jeux, so I'm opting for fast and seemingly lazy over slow and non-existent. Priorities!
Oh, hello, Pandemic Legacy: Season 2! So nice to see you again. Please be gentle with me... @Zmangames_ @mleacock @robdaviau —WEM pic.twitter.com/XLPxdxt1lV
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
Here you go—an overview of Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 on the back of the box; due out Q3 2017 from @Zmangames_. —WEM pic.twitter.com/vj2dEjfRK1
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
Firefly Adventures: Brigands & Browncoats (@GaleForceNine) is a standalone, linked scenario game. Gen Con 2017. —WEM pic.twitter.com/NbMiQObgKg
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
I believe that Gale Force Nine actually anticipates having Firefly Adventures out by the end of June 2017, but my notes are messy, so let's go with Gen Con as a "sell by" date to cushion that expectation.
Star Trek Ascendancy: Borg Assimilation (@GaleForceNine) pits an AI against all, but a player might become Borg. WEM pic.twitter.com/LePoCoeDDC
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
To add a bit more detail, the Borg are run by an AI and can appear all over the place. They weaken other players as they attack, and you might view that as a good thing, leaving them to ravage someone else's planet while you do things to improve your position, but as some point a damaged player can become the Borg, which then lets them take control of the race and give them a chance to win the game a different way.
Oh, and the Cardassian Union and Ferengi Alliance expansions for Star Trek: Ascendancy are on their way to retail. I'll poke GF9 again for a more precise release date.
Non-final components in Dice Forge (@Libellud), a dice-forging, resource management game due out Q2 2017. —WEM pic.twitter.com/5d33GomrxW
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
Close-up shot of two of the dice in Dice Forge from Régis Bonnessée & @Libellud; hope to record a preview in Cannes this coming week... —WEM pic.twitter.com/rJfQtiE9fU
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 20, 2017
To his surprise, @darylmandrews found the box for TMNT Showdown (@IDWGames), co-designed w/ Adrian Adamescu, at NY Toy Fair 2017. —WEM pic.twitter.com/nRqPWYpkKc
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 20, 2017
As with most such boxes at NYTF, it had nothing on the back and was empty, teasing you with only a cover and possibilities. —WEM
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 20, 2017
Two deluxe expansions for Ashes are due out from @PlaidHatGames in Q3 2017. No details beyond the names on the boxes right now. —WEM pic.twitter.com/MmAkTFLIlj
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 20, 2017
Legend of the Sea Robbers has four linked scenarios for the @Catan Seafarers expansion, w/ actions in a game carrying over to the next. —WEM pic.twitter.com/tK2eJrSHdH
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 20, 2017
Akrotiri from @Zmangames_ should be available again at U.S. stores in Q2 2017, w/ new colors of playing pieces. —WEM pic.twitter.com/iMrQ35e4Gx
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 20, 2017
Infection at Outpost 31 is a hidden traitor-style game based on The Thing from @MondoNews & @ProjectRaygun: https://t.co/XS3YzBMhGw —WEM
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 20, 2017
No pics were allowed in the USAopoly booth — a restriction that's often in place because publishers are waiting for approval from license holders for the use of artwork and design — so I have nothing to show for this title. Andrew Wolf at USAopoly described the game as a Battlestar Galactica-style hidden traitor game in that initially everyone is trying to protect the outpost from an alien incursion, but someone might become infected and turn against everyone else. Wolf noted that the game has a sixty-minute playing time.
Rick and Morty invade the Munchkin universe in a standalone game from @USAopoly for players 17 & older; non-final cover design. —WEM pic.twitter.com/DzIBzBvvip
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
This title was the one exception to the "no photos" rule by USAopoly as the box was available for public viewing at the PSI booth.
The Disney/Pixar & Marvel editions of Codenames coming from @USAopoly have words on one side & images on other. Choose what you want! —WEM
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 18, 2017
Where are you in the DC universe? You might not know when playing DC Spyfall, coming Q4 2017 from @Cryptozoic. —WEM pic.twitter.com/TUd1Q7MumA
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 18, 2017
Rick and Morty: Anatomy Park (@Cryptozoic) is a tile-laying game set inside the body of a dying homeless person. Don't cause him stress! WEM pic.twitter.com/wzspbPQSxX
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
Rick and Morty: Close Rick-counters is a deck-building game using @Cryptozoic's Cerberus engine in which everyone is a different Rick. —WEM pic.twitter.com/LXTraLm2eo
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards (@Cryptozoic) has a new psychedelia-based standalone game that also integrates w/the other games. —WEM pic.twitter.com/9Y90UVIEt3
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
Final components, etched dice & Titan figure in the Attack on Titan board game from @Toinito, @LudovicMaublanc & @Cryptozoic. —WEM pic.twitter.com/c2mSwtR2zS
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
DC DBG: Confrontations (@Cryptozoic) is a 2p vs. game modeled after the Batman v. Joker set, w/ 8 constructed hero and villain decks. —WEM pic.twitter.com/ug6yp4wY1b
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
The DC deck-building game from @Cryptozoic gets a storage box that includes a Crossover-sized expansion based on Convergence. —WEM pic.twitter.com/ySlNaqcdkJ
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
The Cartoon Network Crossover Crisis deck-building game (@Cryptozoic) gets another standalone title, now featuring The Powerpuff Girls. —WEM pic.twitter.com/GBl1fTZ2Vu
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
Teen Titans Go! gets its own deck-building game from @Cryptozoic, this being somewhat of a cross between the DC DBG & Crossover Crisis. —WEM pic.twitter.com/tf4jkBfe4b
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
GKR: Heavy Hitters! from @WetaWorkshop & @Cryptozoic heads to @Kickstarter on Feb. 22, 201;: an overview: https://t.co/DUYDpzjTid —WEM pic.twitter.com/HCm6VjuKr0
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
The Batman Dice Masters set from @wizkidsgames features cards you can flip in order to gain access to different abilities each turn. —WEM pic.twitter.com/WDEtPD7zLi
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
The waves of Star Trek: Attack Wing ships keep on coming, and a @wizkidsgames rep says more is still to come for this game. —WEM pic.twitter.com/rEZvptgLbf
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
A 40th anniversary edition of Monopoly: Star Wars will be one of approximately 16,000 Star Wars-related items released in 2017. —WEM pic.twitter.com/QU6n5FrAB7
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2017
And here's a nice way to end this post:
Comforting to see that @PikachusButt made it to NY Toy Fair 2017. Welcome! —WEM pic.twitter.com/MrVMYXtlYq
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 18, 2017