The 2018 Origins Game Fair opens in Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday, June 13, with only the play space and events being available that day. The exhibitor hall opens on Thursday, June 14 and the convention ends on Sunday, June 17. BoardGameGeek will be on site all five days, livestreaming game demonstrations and interviews from the show. I'll publish our broadcast schedule approximately a week before Origins opens.
Admittedly our preview is a tad light right now, with just under eighty titles listed, but this is how our con previews always operate: Start with what we know, then drop in more titles in the weeks prior to the event as publishers solidify their schedules (or finally respond to my RFI). Origins has far fewer new releases than Gen Con and SPIEL, and in years past we haven't ever hit two hundred listings, so that gives you some idea of how much more is still to come on this list.
If you're a designer or publisher who will be selling new releases or demoing upcoming releases at Origins 2018 and you're not already listed in our preview, please email me at the address in the BGG News header and I'll send a form your way so that you can tell me what you'll have on hand.