In 2020, Ravensburger released a new version of Puerto Rico to match the graphic look of its relaunched alea line, which started with Las Vegas Royale in 2019. That version, at least in the U.S., seemed to vanish from shelves quickly, but game buying had picked up for the industry as a whole due to Covid, so that's not necessarily a surprise.
In July 2021, however, The Atlantic published an article by Luke Winkie titled "The Board Games That Ask You to Reenact Colonialism", an article that leads off with Puerto Rico as an example of a history-based game that ignores who that history has been done to. An excerpt:
The article ends with this teaser:
The "1897" in the title is a clue. In a 2021 BGG thread about changes in the 2020 edition of Puerto Rico, Jason Perez of Shelf Stories notes that he reached out to Ravensburger, and in September 2021 he wrote, "I advocate for a new edition of Puerto Rico. One still called Puerto Rico. But one that shifts the historical perspective. Stay tuned to developments so that I can show, rather than tell, what I mean." And in a June 2022 Facebook comment on the newly revealed edition, Perez wrote: "Slavery [in Puerto Rico] was abolished in 1873. 1897 is the year they won autonomy from the Spanish colonial government. It was the most free Puerto Rico ever got before the US took over in 1898."
For more background, you can turn this November 2021 interview with Ravensburger editor André Maack that mentions the difficulty of balancing game clarity with accurate representation.
• Stonemaier Games has announced a Q4 2022 release date for Wingspan: Asia Expansion from designer Elizabeth Hargrave and artists Natalia Rojas and Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo, revealing one new card for now and promising "to reveal one bird card per month in the monthly Stonemaier Games e-newsletter". Bird teases are a thing now, I guess.
• Designer Wolfgang Warsch and publisher Schmidt Spiele will continue their cleverness in the late 2022 release of Clever 4Ever. No details at this point — only the cover — but you can make out some of the score sheet behind the dice, so have at it!