Here's an overview of this 1-4 player co-operative game:
The Taíno people are gone, but they live on through the people who are trying to connect the broken pieces of their culture almost five hundred years later. To that end, this game tells the story of Borikén through the eyes of the Taíno people, a people who existed and faced their own challenges even before the Spanish arrived on their shores (pre-1493), who rallied together to try to rid their home of the overwhelming invaders (1493-1512), and in failing to do so had to make hard sacrifices so that a few might survive (1512-1529).
In designing and developing Borikén: The Taíno Resistance, we decided that in an effort to convey a holistic picture of the Taíno people, no part of their story could be left out, so the campaign game combines three unique scenarios, each covering one of the three eras of Taíno history, focusing on the type of conflict in which the Taíno people were engaged.
These three game scenarios can be played individually as standalone games or played as a three-part campaign in which the end state of each game serves as the set up for the next. Each game scenario accommodates 2-4 players and takes between 45-90 minutes to play.
• For a complete 180º on subject matter and graphics, we can look at another upcoming Nazario release — Peanut Butter Belly Time, a custom-made card game for South Dakota-based Nerdy Nuts, which sells small batches of specially flavored peanut butters such as coconut cream pie, blueberry lemon crisp, and dark chocolate raspberry truffle.
Here's an overview of this 2-7 player card game that's due out in Q3 2022:
In Peanut Butter Belly Time, players draft ingredient cards to create jars of peanut butter. Each card also has a scoring rule on it, but only one card will score for each jar. Players may take orders from a central display if they can fulfill them, and an order replaces a jar's normal scoring. Players can also compete for ingredient majority cards.
Here's an overview of this two-player game that takes 60-90 minutes to play:
Both players must work together, taking care of their confidential information, so that the greatest number of migrants reach the Residence, avoiding bureaucratic, political, social, and economic obstacles before it's too late.
We firmly believe that everyone has the right to move freely and to choose their residence in the territory of a State and that everyone has the right to leave any country, including their own, and to return to their country.