That's not really surprising given the tight schedule that we had — moving to a new booth every 20-60 minutes to set up two cameras, lay out the games, ask and answer questions about this-and-that, then pack up again — but it's a lost opportunity given that the games are right there! Thus, I took an hour on Sunday morning, then two more hours later that day to run to all the booths again to shoot pics. I didn't get everything since many games aren't on display, but are set up only because we're recording a video of it, so here's a note to the Eric of 2021: Spend an extra minute or two to take pics while Lincoln is setting up. We'll see in twelve months whether I listened to myself.
To kick off coverage of the fair, let's lay out all the pics I took in the Pegasus Spiele booth, which possibly had the most titles on display, albeit with many of them featuring German editions of games already released elsewhere in English or other languages. Note that all components and artwork are subject to change prior to publication. These images are previews of what's coming, not guarantees of what will be in the box.
Here's the top draw for many people:
Ronja Lauterbach at Pegasus told me that Hansa Teutonica: Big Box contains all of the HT material released to date: the base game, the Britannia and East expansions, and the Emperor's Favour promo included in the 2016 Brettspiel Adventskalender. This item is currently due out in May 2020.
Die Zwerge: Big Box was the other collected item on display in the Pegasus booth.
Celtic is a re-working of Dirk Hillebrecht's 2013 release Wunderland, with the game being set in the part of Germany near Pegasus' HQ in Friedberg.
Shadowrun: Schattenland has been in the BGG database since 2016, and Pegasus was showing this new cover image, but no other components.
Treelings and Memorinth are Edition Spielwiese titles that Pegasus co-produces and distributes, with Pegasus now distributing such titles in North America in addition to Europe.
Both Pegasus and KOSMOS have "murder mystery" games in their line-ups for 2020.
I imagine the turtles shown here are not in their final color.
Games for kids in Pegasus' 2020 line-up, including one (Hexen Hochhaus) that still needs a BGG listing.
We didn't film an overview of Dice Flick given that the title is due out in time for SPIEL '20, but a mock-up was on display, so here it is for you to contemplate.
Web of Spies from Brett J. Gilbert and Matthew Dunstan is another SPIEL '20 release that had only a box on display to invite speculation.
Poo Poo Pets is another SPIEL '20 release, and Pegasus is still trying to figure out exactly what the plastic poo should sound like when you squeeze it, you know, as one does.