• Fischer also gave me a quick explanation of Rüdiger Dorn's quick-playing Faulpelz. Despite a suggestion from one German-speaker (*ahem Jeffrey Allers ahem*), Germans apparently do not use the term "Sofakartoffeln" to describe lazy creatures. Their loss.
• We recorded more videos at the KOSMOS stand, but those are still being processed, so we'll jump now to Drei Magier Spiele, a subdivision within Schmidt Spiele — well, purchased by Schmidt several years ago, yet still operating as a separate brand. My cameraman John K. got perhaps a bit too close during the filming of this preview for Guido Hoffmann's Geisterei, so you might have a tough time spotting the "egg catching" when it first occurs. Don't worry, though, as he's been punished for that transgression, mostly by having to work with me for three days straight at a trade show.
• The other release from Drei Magier Spiele for early 2014 is Jacques Zeimet's latest take on cockroach-inspired silliness: Kakerlakentanz. That convention display serves the customer well in terms of showing off the games in person, especially if no one is working the booth, but it's a rude intruder when trying to film something. Ah, well, you takes what you can gets...
• We'll leave the passel of other titles from Schmidt for another day and turn to Samurai Sword: Rising Sun, an expansion for Emiliano Sciarra's Samurai Sword due out from Italian publisher dV Giochi in April 2014 in Europe and a few months afterward in places that require shipping across large bodies of water.