To start, let's look at what might be the most anticipated game from the show, Stefan Feld's La Isla, coming from German publisher alea in September 2014 with rules in English, German and French. Someone had asked about the game's ranking on the alea scale, but the box had only a front cover wrap and no back cover, so no rating. If I had to guess, though, I say it's probably "k".
• Czech Games Edition always has unexpected games — except, of course, when something is completely expected, such as the Dungeon Petz expansion — and for this fair CGE's Petr Murmak shared part of a future release. Rough stuff in the graphics and whatnot, but this should give you a taste of what's coming.
• Uli Blennemann from Spielworxx has three games in the works for 2014, with the first one to be published likely being La Granja from designers Michael Keller and Andreas Odendahl.
• Carrera is a Germany company that manufactures slot cars. That's almost the extent of my (recently acquired) knowledge about Carrera, but I know that the company also plans to release three games in 2014, courtesy of the design team of Hanno Girke, Dale Yu and Klemens Franz, with this last individual giving an overview of Start Frei.
• One of the other three games coming from Carrera is Gib Gas!, and for this video Dale Yu steps up to explain how to play. For my part, I make random comments that seem to befuddle Dale. Surely this won't be the last time for such an occurrence to happen at the show...