• The design team of Niccolini and Canetta are also responsible for Rhein: River Trade, which I added to the BGG database in December 2011, which was available for demo at SPIEL 2016, and which should finally be released before the end of 2016 from Giochi Uniti.
• Designer Jesse Li debuted with Guns & Steel, a condensed retelling of civilization, and his latest title — The Flow of History from Moaideas Game Design — covers the same thematic ground, but with a new game system.
• Every year brings the release of dozens of new real-time pattern-matching or pattern-recognition games, but every so often one stands out from the crowd, with my choice for SPIEL 2016 being Taeyun Goh's Fold-it from Happy Baobab. I love Jérôme Morin-Drouin's Manifold puzzles — originally self-published and now available from Brainwright — and Fold-it seems to hit the same spot in terms of difficulty and tactile pleasure.
• Michael Menzel's Andor game series at KOSMOS ends with Die Legenden von Andor: Die Letzte Hoffnung, a.k.a., Legends of Andor: The Last Hope, with this title being both expansion and standalone game. The title is out only in Germany for now, but I've pinged Thames & Kosmos about a date for release in English and will post an update when I know more.