• Alexander Pfister is hot stuff, what with him winning the most recent two Kennerspiel des Jahres awards for Broom Service and Isle of Skye and racking up many other awards for Mombasa. Now Pfister and Mombasa publisher eggertspiele are teaming up once again, this time with Great Western Trail, with Stronghold Games taking charge of the game's release in North America.
• Stronghold Games and eggertspiele also teamed up for a new version of Stefan Feld's The Speicherstadt, with the action now taking place during Viking times with players trying to raid, feast and trade in the kingdom of Jórvík.
• The year 2017 is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, and to celebrate(?) designers Christian Leonhard, Jason Matthews and Spielworxx have created Sola Fide: The Reformation, a two-player game that pits Catholics versus Protestants for (area) control of the hearts and minds of the Holy Roman Empire.
• La Granja: The Dice Game – No Siesta! is a standalone game from Spielworxx and Stronghold Games from one-half of the duo that created La Granja, that half being Andreas Odendahl.