• And since we're talking about Finnish publisher Dragon Dawn Productions, let's interject one of the videos that I recorded outside the BGG booth with able cameraperson John Knoerzer, this one featuring Timo Multamäki presenting an overview of Perdition's Mouth: Abyssal Rift, which he co-designed with Thomas Klausner and Kevin Wilson and which is heading to Kickstarter in November. (In general, if a game was not available for purchase at Spiel, we didn't feature it on the livestream but instead possibly recorded a demo at that publisher's booth.)
• Apparently if you are racing to one or the other poles on planet Earth, you must exhibit a bit of madness about your features, as was the case with 2012's Roll to the South Pole and now with 2015's Race to the North Pole from Jouni Jussila, Tomi Vainikka and Playmore Games. I suppose outward madness is better to depict than a bone-chilling slog through frozen wastes.
• Pekka Koukkula's Tiny Robots from Doorway Games challenges players young and old to assemble good-looking and proper robots from the tiles scattered on the table before them.
• The final company in the Arctic Union, an association of Finnish publishers, to present a game in the BGG booth was Mindwarrior Games with Allies: Realm of Wonder from designers Mikko Punakallio and Max Wikström, with this design not being an expansion for Realm of Wonder, but a two-player battle-based card game set in that world.
• Following Rome: City of Marble the other day, we now have Rome: Rise to Power from Elad Goldsteen and Golden Egg Games. I don't believe that any other Rome: Three Word Subtitle games are in the can, but I could be wrong.
• Goldsteen and Golden Egg Games also presented Prime Time, which pits players as television executives who need to put together ideal programs so that they can win their time slots, thus earning points.
• Finally, Goldsteen presented an overview of City Council: Deluxe Edition, which consists of the base game and both expansions previously released on their own.