![Spiel 2015 VI: Ships, Sifaka, Insekten Hotel, Operation: Kindergarten, [microfilms], Pocket Imperium & KUNE v LAKIA](https://cf.geekdo-images.com/dE3dzjw1XEQ4cOZ33heWiw__thumb/img/9pSTauTiI8Sf_0gWIoF0VGljA3M=/fit-in/200x150/filters:strip_icc()/pic2721731.jpg)
• I'll confess that some games develop a reputation among the BGG crew for reasons far removed from the actual playing of the game, and such is the case with Sifaka from designers Christian Kruchten and Jean-Claude Pellin and publisher AzaoGames. Whenever one of us mentioned the game to anyone else, it was almost impossible not to say "Sifaka" in the same tone of voice used by the hyenas in The Lion King. Now you'll be doing it, too. You're welcome!
• Dennis Kirps was representing AzaoGames in the previous clip, but he's also a designer, and he stuck around the BGG booth to present Insekten Hotel, a game co-designed with Christian Kruchten and published by LOGIS.
• Who knows how to keep little kids in line (at least some of the time)? Kindergarten teachers, that's who! And in Operation: Kindergarten from Harry-Pekka Kuusela and LudiCreations you get to try your hand at rounding up younglings on the playground and shooing them back to your classroom before any of your fellow teachers can do the same. (Disclosure: I was hired by LudiCreations to edit the English rules for all four of the games included in this post.)
• Dávid Turczi, co-designer of [microfilms] with David J. Mortimer and LudiCreations, talks about this semi-sequel to [redacted] that's not quite small enough to be a microgame.
• Mortimer is also the designer of Pocket Imperium, another LudiCreations release, and while we covered this game at Gen Con 2015 where it debuted, the game made its way onto the BGG cameras yet again in Essen, so here's an overview for those who missed it the first time.
• Designer Babis Giannios delivers a tiny card game that comes with one of the best titles ever — KUNE v LAKIA: A Chronicle Of A Royal Lapine Divorce Foretold. Not everyone will be a fan of the name, of course, but it tells you a lot about the game from the get-go. What it doesn't tell you is that the game includes little carrot tokens.