I didn't recall it being in place so far in advance, but apparently Andrei at NSKN had mentioned something about the title being bumped from Spiel 2014 and I took note of the change. (I've already started the Spiel 2016 Preview, by the way. Don't wait! Send me info now!)
• Mistfall was the other new release from NSKN Games at Spiel 2015, and far more has already been written and shown about that game thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign in April 2015. Designer Błażej Kubacki visited the BGG booth to give an overview of the game firsthand.
• Again I bow down before the awesome graphic presentation of a French game, this time KUMO Hogosha from designers Patrick Gere and Nico Pirard and publisher Morning Players. (And I should have fit this game in an earlier post with the other MP title, but I overlooked it at the time. So many videos!)
• Alas, I have nothing to say about Los Aprendices from Alberto Corazón Arambarri and Zacatrus. I try to know everything that I can about everything related to games at Spiel 2015 — and games in general — but my knowledge of games from Spain is practically non-existent. Perhaps I need to get another exchange student from that area, one who plays games somewhat fanatically this time.
• Didn't we already feature Tom Lehmann's Favor of the Pharaoh from Bézier Games once on BGG TV? Yes, at Gen Con 2015, but now the game is actually released and apparently Ted Alspach found his way in front of our cameras yet again to give the 30,000 foot overview of the game and show off the final look.
• To close this post we'll complete the sandwich of the first game on the Spiel 2015 Preview with the first game on camera at Spiel 2015 itself: Friedemann Friese's Terra, a sequel to his Spiel des Jahres-nominated Fauna that HUCH! & friends released in 2014. Now Bézier Games has released the game in English with Imperial measurements on one side of the game board and metric measurements on the other. Good idea, Ted, since the Lincoln Chafee nomination process doesn't seem to be picking up steam...