His latest release, Inhabit the Earth, features a cover homage to Wildlife Adventure (as explained here) and contains twice as many cards as you need to play, unless you want to carry out two separate games in both English and German on the same set of game boards.
• AYA, from designers Olivier Grégoire and Thibaut Quintens and publisher Act in games, was one of a handful of no-shows at Spiel 2015, with the domino-like pieces supposedly being shipped from the manufacturer to Europe (based on the delivery records) but never actually making their way onto the train. Quintens believes that the finished game will be available by the end of November 2015.
• I saw Dino Twist from designer Betrand Arpino and new publisher Bankiiiz Editions in the hands of more people than I had anticipated (given what little I knew about the card game), meant to find out more info about the game during Spiel 15, then of course forgot about that intention almost immediately afterward as I was on to the next thing on my schedule. Bzz bzz bzz!
• Aaron Weissblum's Celestia from French publisher BLAM ! is a new version of his 1999 release Cloud 9 with 100% more awesome artwork than in the original game.
• I know next to nothing about Thrash'n Roll from designers Aleksander Biela and Krzysztof Matusik, but I do appreciate the look of the game considering that Game Fabrica's 2014 release was the mod-looking Cargotrain.
• Ben Rosset, co-designer of Between Two Cities with Matthew O'Malley, showed up at Spiel 2015 to demo his design to as many people as possible in the Morning Players booth, in addition to talking about it in the BGG booth. What's more, I finally have an answer for why those who purchased the game in Essen received a second set of tiles, courtesy of Jamey Stegmaier from Stonemaier Games!