While the Spiel 2013 Preview has 121 listings right now, it will grow substantially over the next three-and-a-half months. The Spiel 2012 Preview, for example, had 553 listings on it. (And while that Preview had some duplicate listings, such as when a title was being released in multiple languages, promos and other items often didn't have their own line as I shoved info about them into the main game listing.) Given the annual growth of games debuting at or just prior to Spiel, for 2013 I expect this Preview to top 600 listings. We'll see.
Whether you plan to attend Spiel, watch the live game demonstrations that we'll broadcast from the BGG booth, or ignore all the happenings in Essen until games show up at your local store, the Spiel 2013 Preview is there for you to use or ignore as you see fit. That said, if you're a designer or publisher with information to share – or if you have details about an upcoming Spiel 2013 release – please send me email at the address in the BGG News header. Booth location will be more important than normal in 2013 as the convention will be held in new halls and you can't just float to, say, the same spot in hall 9 to find Lookout Games like you normally do.
If you write, I'll respond as best as I can given the tidal wave of data flowing through the game world. I already have lots of messages in my in-box for both Gen Con 2013 in August and Spiel 2013, for example, but I haven't been able to keep up with everything due to recent traveling and house painting. Time to change that in the next couple of weeks before I hit the road yet again to cover Gen Con!