• Elad Goldsteen's Golden Egg Games was another newcomer at Spiel 2012, and the first title being shown – which didn't arrive until after the con was already underway – was Fallen City of Karez.
• Another Kickstarter title making its Spiel 2012 debut was Ta-Te Wu's Di Renjie from his Sunrise Tornado Game Studio, and as with Gyulai above, Wu highlights one approach for small and self-publishers who want to show off their titles at Spiel: Split booth space with others to lower your convention costs. Wu had only small card games, so he and two other publishers split the space between them, and I'm sure there was spillover from one publisher to another as folks came to check out particular games.
• As usual, German publisher Adlung-Spiele had a handful of new card games in its compact boxy format on sale at Spiel, with the most gamery of those titles being Die dunkle Prophezeiung from designers Michael Palm and Lukas Zach, this item being an expansion for their Die Kutschfahrt zur Teufelsburg.
• Food Chain from Meelis Looveer was one of four titles debuting from Baltic publisher Brain Games, with all of the games being small card games.