Unpublished (preview link)
-----• A summary of what won't be at Spiel 2011, whether due to publisher delays, the publisher never intending to be at Spiel, or other circumstances.
Abacusspiele (preview link)
-----• Airlines Europe: Flugverbot
Argentum Verlag (preview link)
-----• Coney Island
Asyncron Games (preview link)
-----• Copié Collé
-----• Fief
Brave New World (preview link)
-----• Dragon Rage – the only supplier of German rules for this game, while Flatlined Games has rules in English, French and Spanish
Cocktail Games (preview link)
-----• Foutrak
-----• Manga Party
-----• Ouga Bouga
Cranio Creations (preview link)
-----• Horse Fever – second edition
Drei Magier Spiele (preview link)
-----• Die geheimnisvolle Sternschnuppe
-----• Hexenhochhaus
dV Giochi (preview link)
-----• Bang! Gold Rush
Fata Morgana Spiele (preview link)
-----• Siebenpunkt
H@LL 9000 e.V. (preview link)
-----• Ostfriesisches Schafe-Schubsen
Hans im Glück (preview link)
-----• Stone Age: Mit Stil zum Ziel
Heidelberger Spieleverlag (preview link)
-----• Dungeon Fighter – previously listed only under Cranio Creations, but now listed here for this German edition
IELLO (preview link)
-----• Innovation
Queen Games (preview link)
-----• Kingdom Builder – I'm expecting more details from Queen within a week or so
Runadrake (preview link)
-----• Galáxia S.A.
Selecta Spielzeug (preview link)
-----• Kullerei mit Drachenei
-----• Pyjamaparty
Spielworxx (preview link)
-----• Zeitalter der Vernunft
Stolitsa Design Group (preview link)
-----• Evolution: Time to Fly – this and the next two are expansions to games being presented by Russian publisher RightGames at Spiel 2011, but since these expansions come only with English rules (with the Russian original), they are listed under the original publisher
-----• Potion-Making: Guild of Alchemists
-----• Potion-Making: University Course
University Games (preview link)
-----• Ninjutsu: Battle of the Ninjas
-----• Querdenker Deluxe
-----• Suche die Unterschiede
-----• Wer Wo Was: Male das!
WizKids (preview link)
-----• Mage Knight Board Game
-----• Quarriors! Rise of the Demons
-----• Star Trek: Fleet Captains
And a few other Preview-related notes:
—When possible, I've been updating and rewriting game descriptions as I add titles to the list. Not every description is polished, but I'm getting there.
—Regarding freebies and giveaways, if the base game is being released at Spiel 2011 (as with Drum Roll), then I list promo items under the game itself; if the game debuted earlier and isn't listed on the Preview, then I include the promotional item itself (as with Airlines Europe: Flugverbot) or note it under the publisher heading.
—I still have many more games and updates to add to this list, not to mention game images, player counts, prices, booth numbers and other minutiae. Geekmail me with additions, but please understand that it takes time to work through everything, confirm details with publishers, and so on.
Feel free to Geekmail questions/suggestions or add them as comments below.