As more games are added to the BGG database – and as games already in the database are updated with additional information/images/etc. – this Spiel Preview will become ever larger. Once all of the interviews that will take place in the BGG booth at Spiel with designers and publishers are scheduled, I'll add that information, too.
I've been updating game descriptions, adding better quality publisher logos, and other such things while preparing this Preview over the past few days, but there's still much more to do with what's already on the Preview, what awaits me in my in-box, and what will be announced over the next two months.
Let me know if you have feedback on the Preview format, and if you're a designer or publisher with information to share – or you have details about an upcoming Spiel 2011 release – please send me Geekmail or email (wericmartin @ gmail.com). I'll respond as best I can, although I'll confess that at this time of year my response time plummets as I follow one rabbit trail after another in search of ever more details. In many ways, making this Preview as comprehensive as I can is a game that I play for several months of the year, a game I'm destined to lose as I can't possibly cover everything, but thanks to help from Dan, Emile de Maat, and dozens of other BGG users, the process will (fingers crossed!) be easier and more complete than ever this year. We'll know for sure on October 20, 2011...