Portal labels Ruins, due out in April 2014, as "the first card pack" for these two base games, so expect to see more small expansions along this line.
• Another 2014 release coming from Portal Games and Trzewiczek is Imperial Settlers, which is not about stormtroopers landing in Catan, but rather another take on the core game mechanism at the heart of 51st State, that is, being able to play each card in the game in three different ways. Here's a summary of the game:
Imperial Settlers is a card game that lets player lead one of the four factions and build empires by placing buildings, then sending workers to those buildings to acquire new resources and abilities. The game is played over five rounds during which players take various actions in order to explore new lands, build buildings, trade resources, conquer enemies, and thus score victory points.
• In other news from Portal, the company has released updated single army packs for Neuroshima Hex! 3.0 — that is, for the 3.0 version of the game that debuted at the end of 2013 — and those packs are Sharrash in January 2014, Nowy Jork (a.k.a. New York) in February 2014 and Neodżungla (a.k.a. Neojungle) in March 2014. All three of these packs are in Polish only.
What's more, a new single army pack titled Missisipi — the Polish spelling of "Mississippi" — is due out in May 2014. I know nothing about this army at the moment, but here's a non-final cover image from a Trzewiczek post on the Polish site Games Fanatic: