Probably the biggest news from this seminar is that the second edition of Trzewiczek's Stronghold: Undead, previewed as far back as SPIEL '16, will be released in 2019. What's more, this item is no longer an expansion for the second edition of Stronghold, but instead a standalone expansion, meaning that it is compatible with that game while also being playable on its own. The setting of this item remains the same as when it first appeared in 2010:
Stronghold: Undead includes a new board with new paths to siege the castle, undead mechanisms, and more ways for both sides to secure their victory!
• The other splashy item from the seminar was the announcement of Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game – L.A. Crimes, which unlike the original Detective base game is set in the 1980s instead of in the modern day. Here's an overview of this expansion, which is due out in the first half of 2019:
• Robinson Crusoe: Mystery Tales was first announced at SPIEL '17 as Robinson Crusoe: The Lost City of Z, but this expansion for Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island has grown beyond that initial offering. Here's an overview of what's in the box, which is due out March 2019:
Robinson Crusoe: Mystery Tales introduces ten new characters, the new deck of event cards, three new decks of adventure cards, new beast cards, new mystery cards, and the new mechanism of sanity that you can use in the base game of Robinson Crusoe to change it into a game of dreadful stories! Additionally, the expansion includes five missions that form a long and epic campaign: "The Lost City of Z".
• On top of all this, on November 1, 2018, Portal Games plans to open preorders for a "loot box" that contains promo items for six titles in its line-up. Yes, more expansions!
Trzewiczek noted that Portal would have more announcements on January 26, 2019 at its Portalcon event, which coincides with the 20th anniversary of the company. That said, he warned people not to expect a new giant game from him in 2019, with the focus for the year instead being on supporting and expanding their existing game lines. In that vein, he announced that Detective would be appearing in Chinese, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish editions in 2019, while its SPIEL '18 release Monolith Arena — which hits the U.S. in November 2018 — will have Czech, French, and Spanish editions in 2019.
For a last bit of news, Trzewiczek said that Tides of Time would be released in a digital format by Asmodee Digital "soon".