• "A game of hot potato with fireballs" — that's the short description of Frank Sronce's ManaSurge from Daily Magic Games' Isaias Vallejo.
• Herbaceous is a press-your-luck set collection game from Steve Finn and Eduardo Baraf of Pencil First Games with great looking art from Beth Sobel in which you're trying to score different sets of herbs by mooching from the communal supply in addition to collecting your own plants.
• Joshua Balvin's Salem has been in the works for years, having funded on Kickstarter in 2012 but making it into the public for the first time at the 2016 Origins Game Fair, with Passport Game Studios having come on board as a production partner.
• Tau Ceti: Planetary Crisis from Stan and Mike Strickland and Outer Limit Games aims to give you a 4X experience in space.