• Brian Engelstein then stuck around to explain The Fog of War, a Stronghold Games title credited to Geoff E. on which Brian E. apparently did much playtesting and development work. I'm not sure what constitutes a "credit threshold" in the Engelstein household; perhaps the family can explore that topic in a future Ludology episode.
• Peter Gousis, co-designer of Salvation Road with Michael D. Kelley, thanked me for publishing this video the day that copies started arriving to Kickstarter backers from Van Ryder Games, but I think that coincidence is solely on them. In any case, here's how you're trying to survive the post-apocalyptic wasteland this time.
• Capstone Games is debuting on the U.S. market with a new edition of Stefan Risthaus' Arkwright, a title first released by Spielworxx that then vanished as its short print run was snatched up by gamers. Capstone has made a few additions to the design to provide more play variety in the long run.
• The next project coming from Capstone Games is a new edition of Thomas Spitzer's Haspelknecht, which was the third title in his coal trilogy, but the first from Capstone since it serves as an introductory experience compared to the other two designs.