You can watch the entire five days of video — complete with false starts and random nonsense — on BGG's Livestream channel. Alternatively, you can watch for all of the individual videos to appear on our Origins 2016 playlist on YouTube, with select videos appearing in this space. With Gen Con and Spiel not too far off, I'll try not to fall too far behind in posting them so that I can keep up on other things as well.
Thus, to start we'll have Keith Blume talk about the who, what, when, how, and why of Richard Borg's Liar's Dice being reintroduced to the North American market via L4 Studios and Mr. B Games:
• Mr. B Games is also partnering with Terra Nova Games to release a new edition of Hisashi Hayashi's trick-taking rail/stock card game Trick of the Rails:
• Yet another co-production with Mr. B Games is Days of Ire: Budapest 1956 with Cloud Island, with this one vs. many design representing a conflict not normally covered in the game world.
• Designer/publisher Gil Hova of Formal Ferret Games has been hopping around the world to show off The Networks, and now the game is out in its finished form, wowing many gamers who got it to the table at Origins 2016.
• Designer Nick Little of Action Phase Games shows off Dreamwell, a trippy tile-based game of meeting friends and making sets.