Lookout's Hanno Girke says, "There is a horde of Orcs invading, and you better take care of them before they enter your dwellings. Now adventuring gets a new twist as you can go out and hunt Orcs." BGG user Niklas Thomas watched the German stream, and he offers a translated summary in English here.
Girke adds, "[W]e can't tell at the moment if we're going to develop it into full balance with the first expansion [The Forgotten Folk]. It might work out, but no promises. It might be too much on some accounts."
• Another SPIEL.digital 2020 revelation was the announcement of a new 2021 edition of Mr. Jack in New York, a design from Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc that Swiss publisher Hurrican first released in 2009.
The material below shows the new, not-yet-final look from Pierô. Cathala has stated that nothing has changed regarding the gameplay.