Why is SJG using Kickstarter for this project, a $100 version of a board game that hasn't appeared in print for 25 years? Well, that question is kind of its own answer, isn't it? For more details, here's what the company says on Kickstarter:
But with Kickstarter, we can reach a lot of people quickly, and gauge our support. If the initial print run can be bigger, fine! If the gamers show that they want an expansion set later, then I get to do it!
• Second, because I got literally hundreds of requests to pre-order the game, and we don't do pre-orders. When we get our new shopping cart set up, sure . . . but that won't be any time soon. By using Kickstarter, we get a pre-order system automatically. And, because so many people said they wanted more than one copy, we're offering options for two and even three.
• Third, because with Kickstarter we can have stretch goals, which will let us add more components and improve the ones that are already there.