At the 2020 London Toy Fair, Funko Games had teased four new additions to the Funkoverse Strategy Game: two titles that feature the primary characters from Jurassic Park, the remaining two Golden Girls, and an expansion pack for the single character that anyone would care about from the Aggretsuko cartoon series. All four of these packs are scheduled to debut at retailers on March 1, 2020.
Aside from those four titles, Funko revealed three other forthcoming Funkoverse sets:
Okay, the Back to the Future set was first revealed in October 2019 with a release date of July 1, 2020, but the other two — Wonder Woman and Jaws — were first shown at NY Toy Fair 2020 as best as I can recall. Note that the Jaws characters are 3D printed and not final production figures. (What gives this away is that the box has a paper insert showing the characters instead of actually showing the characters.)
Wonder Woman is due out in August 2020, and the Jaws set doesn't have an announced release date yet, but it has to come out in June, right? June 25, 2020 will be the 45th anniversary of the original movie, and who wouldn't want to celebrate by having a slice or two of some Quint cake?
Of the other Funko Games titles that I saw, I can post overviews of these four, albeit only with cover images provided by the publisher. These titles — all credited to Prospero Hall, as with the Funkoverse titles above — will be released between June and October 2020.
• The flashiest title on this list is Godzilla: Tokyo Clash, a 2-4 player game that proves once again that no matter how many times Godzilla dies, it'll return to stomp another day. Here's an overview of the design:
In more detail, each player has their own deck of cards unique to the kaiju they control. As you throw trains and tanks at the opponents and attack them directly to cause damage, you can burn cards out of their deck, reducing their options on future turns. As you stomp through the city, you can earn energy, which can help you lay out permanent enhancements to your abilities.
Players team up as a band of unlikely heroes to face monstrous threats, from space aliens and spider robots to an oozing building-sized blob! Roll dice each turn to determine how far you can move and how many actions you can take, with one re-roll available for those two dice. Clear rubble from the streets to discover tools you can use to defend yourself or recruit the specialists you need to defeat the monsters.
The game's app audio track enhances the tension with urgent news bulletins announcing where threats are attacking. You are the last defense!
In Yacht Rock, you team up with others to write soft-rock songs, find the perfect floral-print shirt and shades to complete your swanky look, and schmooze to success at yacht parties.
• The final title of this quartet might have the most appeal for the BGG audience, it being a combination of bidding, worker placement, route-building, and stock-holding. Here's a quick take on Pan Am, which is for 2-4 players with a 60-minute playing time:
Pan Am is a game of global strategy that spans four decades of industry-changing historic events.