Today's round-up features most of the new offerings from U.S. publisher Gamewright. First up is Tim Roediger's Pyramix, which has the look of a dice game but is not played like one.
• You know what's a bummer about recording preview videos at conventions? Blowing someone's name and having that mistake in existence forever. My apologies to Phil Walker-Harding for getting most of the sounds right in his name when announcing this new edition of Sushi Go!, albeit not in the proper order. Sigh.
• Eric Messersmith's Dodge Dice does not, despite the promise of the title, have players dodging dice in the literal sense, but only the points represented by those dice. Perhaps my eight-year-old past self can rectify that situation so that I can pelt my younger brother with dice without recrimination.
• I finally get to show up in one video, this one being for a Reiner Knizia party trivia game called Over/Under. It feels good not to be just a disembodied voice yelling things at people, and in general I encourage everyone not to be disembodied voices yelling things at people.
• In the category of "catchiest game at the show" we might find Space Spinners from Educational Insights, with players needing to master the power of centrifugal force in order to win. Okay, "master" might be a bit strong; how about "not completely bollix"?