As of this moment the preview has only 21 titles on it, but German and French publishers have started to announce what they'll have at these trade shows (and other publishers from around the world will soon follow suit), so I've been adding these titles to the BGG database and dropping them on the Preview as I go. Another BGG admin, Emile de Maat, is taking part in the process, and I'm sure that BGG users like you will add titles to the DB, too.
If nothing else, aspiring designers can check out the new offerings from each publisher to see what kind of games each publisher wants to see. Ideally those publishers know their audience, and now you can share in that knowledge.
I plan to visit both Spielwarenmesse and NY Toy Fair to take pictures, record game demo videos, eat unhealthy food, and take home unwanted illnesses. If you know of other titles to add to this Preview, please email me at the address in the BGG News header. Thanks!