To start with, let's hear once again from Rob Harris, who earlier reported on HiG's Pantheon and the Queen Games line-up for BGG News. Rob returned to the Hans im Glück booth for a look at Marcel-André Casasola Merkle's San Salvador:
It was very quickly explained to me as placing your pieces in certain areas where they might collect resources such as wood, etc. Then during the second round through card play, the location of resources is more clearly defined. Sorry there is not more info. The name was "Land In Sicht" on the box.
• Pics from German retailer Milan-Spiele.
• BGG News contributor Andrea Ligabue notes that Italian gaming site Gioconomicon.net has published a huge image gallery covering seventy games so far, each with its own folder.
• The German branch of TricTrac has covered Nürnberg 2011 in three posts: post 1, with a cover shot of Die GulliPiraten from Andreas Pelikan and Heidelberger and a layout of Michael Palm and Lukas Zach's Artefakt (Winning Moves), post 2, which highlights the puzzle-y Miss Lupun from Winning Moves; and post 3, which includes a look at Queen Games' Mammut-Jäger and Paris Connection, a revised version of David V. H. Peters' SNCF, first published by Winsome Games in 2010.
• Spiele-Akademie.de has a long post with lots of pics from the fair, including a look at Amber Road from Mindtwister.
• Das-Spielen.de has a Nürnberg report that hits most of the titles covered elsewhere, but it does have the first mention I've seen of Casa Grande, a Günter Burkhardt title coming from Ravensburger for Spiel 2011.
• Ludoversum has a short Nürnberg write-up followed by approximately one million photos.
• Spieletest.at has a combination of video, photos and descriptions, all categorized by publisher and linked to on this Nürnberg 2011 summary page.
• Spielkult has a Nürnberg summary page listing each company and its games, with more info on separate pages, including tests of a few new games, such as Reiner Knizia's BITS from Ravensburger.
• French site Jeux sur un Plateau has ten different posts on Nürnberg, including an English-language video on alea's König Artus und die Tafelrunde.
Phew! I'm sure I've missed a number of reports, but this should give you plenty to occupy those slow work hours. Lots for me to research as well to bring you more designer diaries and game previews in the months ahead...
Edit, Feb. 17: Here's one Nürnberg report that I had in an open tab, yet still forgot to include. (Too many tabs!) German site H@ll 9000 has dozens of photos of upcoming games, separated by publisher.