In more detail, to quote the press release, "Small World Realms includes scores of puzzle-like geomorphic Terrain regions that are assembled into variously sized and shaped board maps. Map designs are based on any of the 12 preset Scenarios created by the game's designer, Philippe Keyaerts." Players are naturally encouraged to use the components to create their own maps and scenarios – as if they needed such encouragement...
As for precisely what's in the box, Small World Realms includes "26 Geomorphic Hex-shaped Terrain tiles featuring 3 Regions each, along with 12 Mountain tiles, 6 Chasms, 4 Peaks, 1 Game Turn Marker and Track, 12 Tunnels, 10 Victory Coin Mines, 6 River Border markers, 1 Rusted Throne and 7 additional Tokens to be used for custom Scenarios."
Small World Realms is due out in Europe in June 2012 and in North America in early July; the retail price is €33/$35. Unlike the base games, Small World Realms will not have separate language editions, but instead include rules for "all our standard languages", according to Kaufmann. Update, Mar. 14: The languages for Small World Realms are Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish and Spanish.