• Igancy Trzewiczek from Portal Games, for example, has announced that for BGG.CON he won't be highlighting recent releases such as Cry Havoc, but will instead be focused on presenting Portal's Gen Con 2017 release Alien Artifacts, a 4X-style card game from Marcin Ropka and Viola Kijowska.
• Renegade Game Studios will have final production copies of Dan Cassar's The Blood of an Englishman available for purchase or demoing, with Cassar being present at the RGS booth Thursday through Saturday. Renegade also plans to demo the tile-laying game Castles of Caladale, with designer David Wilkinson being present Friday and Saturday, as well as Lanterns: The Emperor's Gifts expansion.
• At BGG.CON 2016, Steve Jackson Games will have public demonstrations of Ogre: Sixth Edition, Batman: The Animated Series Dice Game, and Ghosts Love Candy (which SJG picked up for publication following the demise of original publisher 5th Street Games). These last two titles should also be available for purchase.
• Cryptozoic Entertainment plans to have its newly released Attack on Titan: Deck-Building Game for demo and purchase, while also demoing its 2017 release Batman: The Animated Series – Almost Got 'Im Card Game. Yes, two B:TAS titles at one show!
• Floodgate Games will demo the dice-drafting, stained-glass-window-making Sagrada by designers Adrian Adamescu and Daryl Andrews.
• Publisher of many tiny games Button Shy will have a half-dozen upcoming titles in its "wallet games" series available for playing at BGG.CON: Universal Rule, Avignon: Pilgrimage, Turbo Drift, Find Your Seats, That Snow Moon, and Circle The Wagons.
• Not content to bring just games, Level 99 Games will have a special playing space at BGG.CON 2016: the Duelist Lounge, which will be open in room 1112 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 6-10 p.m. Here's the room description from Level 99's D. Brad Talton, Jr.:
Attendees to BGG will find a copy of Level 99 Games's recent release, Dragon Punch, in their registration bags.