• Z-Man Games has also picked up Holger Bösch's Black Stories for release in 2014, with the game consisting of murder mysteries that players try to reconstruct by asking questions that allow only "yes" or "no" answers.
• Designer Corné van Moorsel from Cwali gives a small update on the status of Factory Fever, the new version of his Factory Fun that has been blown off schedule three times by artists ditching the project. Strangely, the update is not so much about Factory Fever, but about van Moorsel possibly making a hex version of Factory Fun first. In his words, "I made solutions to transmit the squares to hexagons and will get material later to try out things better. That could become very cool. After that the storage game on hexes would be a logical third step." And hey, by chance, he uploaded this image showing a rudimentary version of, umm, Factory Fex:
• AEG and Mike Elliott have a new/old Thunderstone Advance expansion coming in August 2014 titled Thunderstone Advance: Into the Abyss that blends cards from the first six Thunderstone releases with new heroes, spells, items, villagers, and monsters, along with alternate uses for experience tokens.
• Hmm, we need to tighten the portal a bit for game acceptance in the BGG database. Gothic Towers sounds decent at first glance — use your dice monks to collect goods and take actions in order to build an abbey that can withstand the coming darkness of AD 497 — but the game listing has no designer, publisher, or year of release. Time to poke the submitter for more details...
• And we'll close with an image representing the Fallen Phoenix faction in Plaid Hat Games' Summoner Wars: Alliances Master Set, due out in August 2014: