In Unita, you can be the men of Primitiva, the Nuns of Friburga, the Engineers of GermanLand or the Frogs of the Hexagone, but no matter your role, forge ahead on the warpath, lead your army in the mad rush to get to the Magic Gate, and put an end to all these afflictions. Move forward on the path of the war with your army compound of six-sided dice. Every time you contact an opposing army, a fight takes place, with the least hardy losing a point of strength. When your army reaches the magic gate, the army disappears, and the total of its points of strength (its dice) becomes your points of victory.
• Z-Man Games will release Klaus Teuber's North Wind, first available in Germany from Kosmos as Norderwind, in Q3 2014.
• In a March 21, 2014, BGGN post, I mentioned that Alderac Entertainment Group has two expansions for Hisashi Hayashi's Trains in the works for release in 2014. Well, now more details of those items are available, with one of them — Trains: Rising Sun — turning out to be a standalone game that includes new cards, new "Route Bonus" cards that reward you for connecting particular stations and three game boards: two of them being designed solely for two-player games and the third being a reprint of the Nagoya game board released for the original OKAZU Brand edition of Trains.
The other item, which I described as "a map pack due out in July 2014", is almost certainly a new version of the Trains: German/NorthEast USA Map released as a promotional item at Spiel 2012. I suggest this not because Alderac has released any information about the map pack, but because Pegasus Spiele, which released the AEG version of Trains in German, has posted a page for a German version of this item, with a May 2014 release date listed.
• AEG has released the English rulebook (PDF) for Doomtown: Reloaded, its big Gen Con 2014 release.
• Ares Games is holding a scenario design contest for Sails of Glory, with the winner taking home a complete series of the second wave of ship packs. Deadline for entry is May 10, 2014.