• In a March 5, 2012 news item, I noted that German publisher Pegasus Spiele had picked up Sebastian Bleasdale's On The Cards for a localized edition. This was incorrect. The card game Auf die Nuss is actually a new design from Bleasdale that will debut from Pegasus sometime in 2012 with illustrations by Michael Menzel. The game description in the Pegasus catalog was vague, noting only the card game's "simple, yet ingenious mechanism", and I jumped to the wrong conclusion. Thanks to Sebastian for slapping my wrist and not allowing me to retcon his creation out of existence!
• Steve Jackson Games says that production delays have bumped the release of Munchkin: The Guild from April to May 2012.
• A number of European game releases will be available through U.S. stores in March 2012, according to Alliance Game Distributors, which (unsurprisingly) is distributing the games. The titles in question are Michael Schacht's Gold!, Reiner Stockhausen's Siberia, Alba Longa (which is actually a small run production by Tasty Mintrel Games and not an import), Pirates: Governor's Daughter, Arriala: Canal de Garonne, Mare Balticum, Coney Island, Cité, and Masters of Commerce (which again is actually from a U.S. company, although Asmodee is releasing the game in an edition of its own later in 2012).
• U.S. publisher Fantasy Flight Games has announced Sky Traders, a big game from designer Gioacchino Prestigiacomo co-produced with Dust Games for release in Q2 2012. Here's a brief description of the game: