In more detail, one player splits ingredients into piles, and the other players take turns choosing one. As the splitter, you get the last pile. You have to be clever and a little sneaky to get the ingredients you want. Collect the best mix of toppings and flavors to make the most valuable ice cream sundae and win the game!
Pie Town: Spies, Lies, and Apple Pies is a worker-dice placement game with hidden information. You need to manage your constantly changing workforce to harvest, bake, and sell pies while deducing other players' secret recipes! Now is your chance to become the best pie shop in town!
• Home of the werewolf Bézier Games is presenting a different take on the were-genre with Jeremie Kletzkine's Werebeasts, a game due out in February 2018 in which you (gasp) bid for creatures, not take on their role while slapping your leg to keep others from figuring out who you are. An overview:
Your fellow collectors in Werebeasts are also collecting certain creatures that have the most value to them. If you can hide your intentions long enough, you'll be rewarded. If you can make it to the end of the game without getting caught, you just might win.
The Doomseeker card game pits players against one another to see who can die the most glorious death! Press your luck and challenge the denizens and monsters of the Old World, with each victory bringing you more glory, and ultimately your death can be met at the hands of a truly worthy foe!