Once the entire island has been discovered, your quest is over, and whoever has accumulated the most treasure wins!
• In more definite happenings from Lookout Spiele, for SPIEL 2017 the publisher will release Riverboat by Michael Kiesling and an expansion for Isle of Skye from Alexander Pfister and Andreas Pelikan that currently bears the working title The Wanderer; Pfister notes that the expansion has both more of what's already in the game thanks to new landscape tiles and new scoring tiles, as well as a new game board element that provides a new way to score. He says, "With four people, it increases playing time by about ten minutes."
• To continue with the teasers for SPIEL 2017, Sit Down! has posted the following for Spiel des Jahres-nominated Magic Maze:
#MagicMaze expansion. Available @ Essen 2017? More than 10 new rules/components shown in those images #boardgames #spieldesjahres #j2s pic.twitter.com/8h1L69nq2p
— Sit Down! (@SitDownGames) May 27, 2017