Zombies!!! The Card Game simulates the coming zombie apocalypse in card game form. Each player uses her own deck to form the narrative of her attempted escape; the ground-breaking card design allows for each card to be used for the card effect printed on the front or as a location as indicated by the card's back. The first player to make her way to the "helipad" at the bottom of her deck escapes certain death and wins the game.
The zombies are right behind you. Do you have what it takes to survive?
Zombies!!! 11: Death Inc. is another take on the "everyone except for the other players is a zombie trying to get you" genre, with the players being employees who have found that their co-workers have lost their brains for real. Time to kill those zombies once again – or at least escape from the building before anyone else so that the zombies can feast on them instead of you.
The third title from Twilight Creations is not about zombies, but is instead about the devil and its numerous incarnations. Whether that's a plus or not I'll leave you to decide. The Current Number of the Beast is a dice-manipulation game in which you play cards and roll dice in order to get your dice to match the number of the current "beast" card in play. My wife, a college friend and I used to draw maps showing the locations of the beast, the neighbor of the beast (#664), the annoying old man across the street from the beast (#665), and so on. Never thought to make a game out of the activity. Our loss.
• After showing off Snowdonia throughout UK Games Expo 2012, designer Tony Boydell has posted lots of images showing off the game board and finished art, while also describing parts of the game.
• Z-Man Games notes on its Facebook page that Tournay and the new edition of Goa will be available in U.S. stores on Wednesday, May 30, 2012.
• Similarly, Donald X. Vaccarino's Infiltration, coming from Fantasy Flight Games, has a U.S. street date of May 30, 2012, as does The Lord of the Rings: Nazgul from WizKids.
• ACD Distribution lists Cryptozoic Entertainment's DC Comics Deck-Building Game – mentioned in this BGGN item – as a July 2012 release. What's the game about? Dunno. Cryptozoic has offered zero information to date.
• Other July 2012 releases, according to ACD, include Siberia and Vanuatu, which are being imported to/distributed in the U.S. by Coffee Haus Games, as well as the new edition of Arctic Scavengers from Rio Grande Games.