In Temporum, the board shows the possible paths history can take and the actual path it currently takes. On your turn, you can change history, travel through time, and visit a point in history. You draw cards, play some of them for money and abilities, and score some of them to advance your power through history. Having more power in a time period gives you abilities, but your goal is to have all of your power in the last time period, the time from which you come.
• Stephen Glenn's Rattlebones is featured in a Spielbox ad in mid-2014 along with Temporum and also suspected of being available before the end of 2014, if not at Gen Con itself.
• Rules have been posted in English (PDF) and German (PDF) for Stefan Feld's La Isla, due out in September 2014 from alea.
• On Facebook, designer Max Michael has written: "I just shipped the secret game design project to the publisher. Look for the big announcement from the publisher as Gen Con gets closer."
• Designer Antoine Bauza has posted a peek at the Tokaido: Matsuri expansion that will be included in the Tokaido Collector's Edition, then released later on its own. Writes Bauza: "The expansion will be in the form of 20 cards, figuring Japanese festivities which will alter the flow of the games. A handful of tokens will be added to these cards, as well as 18 new travelers (16 Shoguns inspired by some [Kickstarter] backers, [artist] Naiade, and myself)."