Round by round, players draw dice out of the bag, roll them, then take turns drafting one to either collect silver, hire a townsfolk, or take an action based on the die value. Townsfolk confer immediate or constant benefits as well as end game scoring bonuses, while actions help you collect wood, medicine, cattle, equipment, and gold nuggets. The unchosen die each round advances one of the disaster tracks based on its color, and when a disaster gets to the end of its track, all players must deal with its effects.
Each round in Harvest, you first draft turn order (and the benefits that come with it), then send your two workers into town and into the fields. Plant seeds, tend fields, and harvest crops to make room to plant some more! Utilize buildings and magical elixir to amass a bigger and better harvest than your neighbors at the end of five rounds of play.
• AEG has released All That Glitters, the first expansion for Vangelis Bagiartakis' Dice City, so naturally it's time to announce expansion #2, this being Dice City: Crossroads, which adds taverns, guilds, and new ways to get around to the city of Rolldovia.
• I've posted a lot about the self-publishers at Tokyo Game Market, but that doujin spirit is present around the world, as with designer/publisher Nick Case of A-Muse-Ment, who will have one hundred copies of The Municipal Golf Club — the second expansion for his golf course-designing game The Front Nine — available at the 2016 UK Games Expo, after which no more will be available. As for what the expansion offers, here's a short description from Case: