• Designer Antoine Bauza has worked on and off on the 7 Wonders: Armada expansion for years. Here's a BGG News note about the "second" 7 Wonders expansion from July 2011 — man, were my posts different back then! — and again from September 2012. Well, apparently work is now continuing once again:
Working on #7wonders Armada ! cc @ReposProduction #gamedesign #boardgames #j2s
— Antoine Bauza (@Toinito) January 13, 2016
• Bauza also mentions this project:
Working on Welcome BACK To The Dungeon... #boardgames cc @IELLO_INFO #j2s
— Antoine Bauza (@Toinito) January 13, 2016
• I've already covered a few upcoming 2016 releases from Alderac Entertainment Group, and now AEG has another trio of offerings, starting with the ninth Smash Up title — Smash Up: It's Your Fault!, featuring the player-chosen factions of Sharks, Superheroes, Greek Myth, and Dragons, and due out in March 2016.
• Also due in March 2016 from AEG is Jason Tagmire's Pretense, which the designer previously released through his own Button Shy brand. Here's an overview of that title:
In 1947, the superpowers of the United States of America and the Soviet Union began a new sort of conflict, a struggle in the twilight of World War II. This war centered on the increasing development of nuclear weapons, and as the years passed it seemed like the war would never end — but no one wants to play a card game for decades. Thus, this game presents an abridged version of the Cold War — less of a twilight struggle and more of a twilight squabble...
• AEG has also teased...something...for Gen Con 2016 that features artwork by J Hause: