Why would the sharks be in midair, you ask? Due to all the tornadoes swarming around, duh! Thankfully you can stay safely inside, and experience all of these terrible things from afar thanks to Sharknado: The Board Game!, a cooperative design based on the Sharknado movie franchise on the Syfy channel that features multiple scenarios and everything you'd expect based on this game's origins, including chainsaws, bombs, loss of limbs, and (of course) plenty of hungry sharks.
This Eric Cesare and Anthony Rando design from Devious Devices is due to hit Kickstarter in Q2 2016 ahead of a release in late 2016.
• Czech Games Edition editor/developer Paul Grogan notes that an expansion for Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization with alternative leaders and wonders that substitute for cards in the base game is in the works and will likely be shown at UK Games Expo in June 2016 — assuming that development has finished by then.
• Into the Echoside from designers Robert Bruce and Louis Simpson and publisher Psychopathic Records "is a Juggalo version of a deck building game where players delve into the deepest levels of the Nethervoid, gain allies from some of the most notable characters in the Juggalo universe, and fight creatures of infinite evil to aid them in their quest to halt the evil that threatens to consume the mortal realm!" Juggalos, for those who don't know, are fans of the musical group Insane Clown Posse, which has been performing since 1989, and Into the Echoside is scheduled to debut on July 20, 2016 at the annual Gathering of the Juggalos.
• Mayfair Games has noted that as of April 1, 2016 "Asmodee North America will also be handling all customer service for component issues and rules questions" related to the Catan game line, even though Mayfair will "continue to facilitate events and sales of Catan during the 2016 convention season".
• Eagle-Gryphon Games has announced Baseball Highlights: 2045 tournament kits for 2016 that include a Single Player Play Mat as a grand prize and a Double Player Play Mat as part of the kit that stores can use to organize the games. Both of these items are available for purchase separately ($25 and $50 respectively), and EGG also plans to eight new starter teams for Baseball Highlights: 2045: teams 17-24, representing Canada, UK, Pan Asia, the Caribbean Basin, and other locations.